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We need money to run a Molecular Biology Course in Abuja, Nigeria, in January 2017.

Why? Science is essential for economic and societal development, healthcare and education. Nigeria has a growing number of devoted scientists, yet lags behind in scientific research output and higher education ratings. Our goal is to transfer essential molecular biology techniques to scientists in Nigeria, to enable local universities to disseminate ‘state of the art’ theory and techniques to current/future generations of students.

Who? TReND, "Teaching and Research in Natural Sciences for Development in Africa" is a non-profit organization promoting "sustainable development through higher education and scientific innovation.” Our Nigerian Molecular Biology initiative is directed by Ibukun Akinrinade, whose attendance of a TReND course, enabled her to obtain a PhD position at the Gulbenkian Institute.

TReND's ethos is to recruit and train local scientists into our outreach teams. This creates a multiplier effect disproportionate to our resources, allowing us to reach beyond the course.


Our bank account details for direct transfers:

Account Number: 454907324232
IBAN: PT50-0023- 0000-45490732432-94
Sort Code, Swift Code or BIC: ACTVPTPL

Bank Name: ActivoBank

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